- As a new member, you will receive a package in the mail containing
the basic manual and other materials to help you get started. There
are many skills you will acquire as you progress through the Toastmasters
- The Table Topics section of the meeting is designed to improve your
extemporaneous speaking skills. You will learn how to effectively introduce
guests at meetings and the importance of this activity. You will find
yourself becoming a better listener, as a part of the responsibilties
of a Toastmaster is to provide constructive criticism of members' speeches.
You will learn how to find interesting material to speak about and how
to organize and research for your speaking assignments.
- You will be asked to perform various duties dedicated to the timely
and effective weekly meetings such as operating the timer, counting
the "Ah's", commenting on grammar, or acting as Quizmaster.
- After you are comfortable performing these duties, you may be asked
to act as Toastmaster, TableTopics Master, Chairman, or General Evaluator.
By then, you will have observed other members performing these roles.
- If you wish, a mentor will be assigned to you. This person will be
able to answer most of your questions, or will arrange to provide you
with more information, should he or she not know the answer immediately.
- As you complete each speech in the manual, record the title and date
on the"Project Completion Record" on page 56 of your manual.
- When you have completed all ten speeches, fill in the CTM application
on the reverse side and give it to the Vice President of Education to
- You will be able to choose two Advanced Communication and Leadership
Program manuals, which will be sent to you in the mail along with your
CTM certificate.
- If you wish, a letter will be sent from World Headquarters to your
- You may be asked to serve as a club officer. With each new challenge
you step up to and meet, you will find the old adage holds true in Toastmasters
-" The more you give, the more you will receive. " By observing
other, more experienced members you will get ideas for improving your
own speeches.
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